Practice bluffing at the highest traffic poker room in the industry, PokerStars. Equity in Poker Percentages Chart Odds of winning against 1, 2, 3 or 4 random hands. If you don’t know the odds of hitting certain common draws then please go back and study our previous lesson on calculating odds and outs in poker. For the benefit of this lesson we’ll include the handy chart below: Table: Odds and outs from the flop and the turn to the river. Poker odds can be used to assess whether your play has a positive expectation if you know the basic chart of ‘outs’ that will improve your hand. A Full Outs Chart is Below - Here are the most common poker outs.

Odds Charts:Ratio Chart : Percentage Chart : Conversion Chart

This percentage poker odds chart highlights the percentage chance of completing your draw based on the number of outs you have at different points in a hand. The odds of completing your draw have been rounded to 1 decimal place in this percentage chart.

Look below the table for more information on how to use the percentage odds chart.


Percentage odds chart.

Outs1 Card To Come (flop)1 Card To Come (turn)2 Cards To Come (flop)
4 (gutshot)8.5%8.7%16.5%
8 (straight)17.0%17.4%31.5%
9 (flush)19.1%19.6%35.0%
15 (s + f)31.9%32.6%54.1%

Table #3 – Poker Odds Chart. As you can see in the above table, if you’re holding a flush draw after the flop (9 outs) you have a 19.1% chance of hitting it on the turn or expressed in odds, you’re 4.22-to-1 against. The odds are slightly better from the turn to the river, and much better when you have both cards still to come. Poker Odds Cheat Sheet (for Texas Hold'em) Get your pot odds cheat sheet below. You can use this to determine the number of outs required to continue based on the pot odds you are being offered. You can also use it to convert between percentages, required outs and ratios for all kinds of situations in poker.

Percentage table key.

Poker odds charts
  • Gutshot - A straight draw with only one card able to complete it. e.g. 6-8 on a 5-9-Q board (only a 7 completes).
  • Straight - A standard open-ended straight draw with more outs. e.g. 6-8 on a 5-7-Q board (4 and 9 complete).
  • Flush - A hand where another card of the same suit is needed to complete the draw.
  • s + f - Both an open ended straight draw and flush combined. e.g. 6 8 on a 5 7 Q board.

How to use the percentage odds chart.

  1. Work out the number of outs you have (use the colours to help guide you).
  2. Look up the percentage odds of completing your draw depending on whether you are on the flop or turn.

That's simple enough, but why are there 2 columns for percentage odds on the flop? The first 2 columns with 1 card to come are the odds that you should be using most frequently. These are the standard odds that assume we could potentially face another bet on the next betting round.


The last 2 cards to come column is for when you or your opponent are being placed all in on the flop. Therefore, because you do not expect to have to call another bet or raise on future betting rounds, you can now use these improved odds for seeing 2 cards instead of 1.

Poker Odds Chart Texas Holdem

If you can't remember or figure out the percentage odds of completing your draw in the middle of hand, try using the rule of 4 and 2 as a rough guide. It's a great little shortcut for percentage odds.


How to turn a percentage in to a ratio.

Divide 100 by the percentage. Then take 1 away from that number and you will have x to 1.

So for example, if you have a flush draw on the turn, the percentage chance of completing your draw is 19.6% (let's call it 20%).

  • 100 / 20 = 5.
  • 5 - 1 = 4.
  • So the ratio is 4 to 1.

It is a good idea to round the percentages to a number that you can easily divide in to 100 to help keep the working out as simple as possible.

Quick percentage odds chart example.

If you have 12 outs to make the winning hand on the flop, you should only call a bet that is equal to 25.5% of the total pot, which is roughly 25%.

So for example, lets say that our opponent has bet $50 in to a $100 pot making it $150. Because we are using the percentage method, we have to add our own potential call of $50 to create a total pot size of $200 - don't forget this! Therefore, based on this final pot size of $200 we can call up to 25% of this amount, which turns out to be $50 anyway. It's a bit tricky, but just as long as you add your own potential call to create the final pot size you will be fine.

For more information on working out percentage odds with drawing hands, see the pot odds article.

Poker Odds Chart Pdf

Go back to the poker odds charts.

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Poker Hands Chart Odds
