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Legal gambling age in Canada - Online gambling is quite a rage these days all over the world though in some countries it is illegal. There are many popular online gambling options such as online betting, scratch cards, lotteries, online casinos, blackjack, and poker. These gambling options are available on smartphones through dedicated apps. MAINC HV 5840 C22A3 06 1996 Alberta Alcohol And Druq Abuse Commission (AADAC) Quick Facts About Alcohol, Other Druqs, And Problem Garnb 1 ing 3 5057 a A I r. Prize pool: Players will receive a special 30 extra spins promotion on top of the standard welcome package upon second deposit! 30 extra spins on Wild Canada Drinking And Gambling Age Worlds by NetEnt. Minimum age requirements for legal gambling correspond with the legal drinking age mandated by the individual provinces and territories. Nineteen is the legal minimum gambling age at casinos throughout most of Canada, but 18 is the legal gambling age in Alberta, Manitoba, and Quebec. Indian Casinos In Canada.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the gambling age 19 in Canada, and 18 in Australia?

Vote 18
Drink 18
Drive 17
Gamble 18
Get shot ?
You can't trust a dog to mind your food.
Hell YES is my answer. I'm a dirty old man and the couple of casinos I've been in that allow 18 year olds have the hottest young babes I've ever seen in my life. I get sick of looking at fat geriatrics and skinny old witches on the slots. Looking is free last time I checked. And their clueless gambling will keep the casinos open, I'm all for that.
'It's not enough to succeed, your friends must fail.' Gore Vidal

I say no, because teenage brains aren't fully developed, and one of the last things the human brain acquires is judgment, risk assessment, and discretion. Young people do foolhardy things because those skills don't develop until the mid-20's, or much later in the case of Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan. To allow teenage children to gamble would be to expose them to exploitation.

So what? Like they're not being exploited everywhere else already. Why stop at 21, make it 25, and they have to take a test. Get real, you can't protect people from themselves, you can't control them like they're livestock and you have the cattle prod. Let them experience life for themselves and make their own decisions and mistakes.
'It's not enough to succeed, your friends must fail.' Gore Vidal

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the gambling age 19 in Canada, and 18 in Australia?

A few pages ago and not sure if someone has answered but yes, the legal age for gambling (as with drinking) is 18 in Australia.

So what? Like they're not being exploited everywhere else already. Why stop at 21, make it 25, and they have to take a test. Get real, you can't protect people from themselves, you can't control them like they're livestock and you have the cattle prod. Let them experience life for themselves and make their own decisions and mistakes.

Human society can and does 'protect people from themselves' by prohibiting some behaviors and restricting some others. In the case of gambling, minors are particularly susceptible, and the societal cost of allowing them to gamble is huge.
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw
First, I think the gambling age should be left up to each state. However, what if the question were should my own state lower the gambling age to 18? This issue is not a priority for me, but I would favor it. Same with the drinking age. I don't think prohibiting either is keeping those age 18-21 away from gambling and drinking. In fact, I think prohibiting it makes it more appealing and exciting, resulting in doing both in excess. In my life I did way more drinking before 21 than after, for the same stupid reason. The emphasis should be placed on individual responsibility and moderation, not legislating behavior.
It's not whether you win or lose; it's whether or not you had a good bet.

First, I think the gambling age should be left up to each state. However, what if the question were should my own state lower the gambling age to 18? This issue is not a priority for me, but I would favor it. Same with the drinking age. I don't think prohibiting either is keeping those age 18-21 away from gambling and drinking. In fact, I think prohibiting it makes it more appealing and exciting, resulting in doing both in excess. In my life I did way more drinking before 21 than after, for the same stupid reason. The emphasis should be placed on individual responsibility and moderation, not legislating behavior.

I don't see, and haven't heard of, swarms of underage gamblers seeking out illicit crap tables and slot machines buried in the basements of pool halls. Gambling isn't appealing for underage kids the way drinking is.
I would heartily disagree with the premise that making drinking illegal INCREASES the incidence of drinking. Granted, the prohibition won't reduce that incidence very much, but some number of underage persons--greater than zero--will refrain from drinking because it is illegal.
It would be nice if we could rely on the 'individual responsibility and moderation' of 18-20 year olds, but that's like relying on the ability of chimpanzees to play the violin. They aren't ABLE to be responsible or moderate--not yet. That is the single strongest argument for restricting certain behaviors on their part.
I do agree that if the individual states can regulate whether gambling exists at all, then they should also set the age limits. It takes a pretty desperate (cash-strapped) and dimwitted state to lower the gambling age to 18, though. Do you REALLY want to bleed teenagers to make up for your past fiscal stupidity?
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw

Human society can and does 'protect people from themselves' by prohibiting some behaviors and restricting some others. In the case of gambling, minors are particularly susceptible, and the societal cost of allowing them to gamble is huge.

All the experts agree that if a man is going to be a problem gambler, he already is one by the age of 18, without ever entering a casino. And they say a woman can become one at any age from 18 to 80. Protecting people from themselves is a Socialist fantasy, its not possible. Look at the Great Experiment, Prohibition. The gov't tried to protect an entire country 'from themselves', and what happened was more people drank during Prohibition than before it was enacted. People are going to do what they want, you can't stop them.Legal Drinking And Gambling Age In Canada
'It's not enough to succeed, your friends must fail.' Gore Vidal

It takes a pretty desperate (cash-strapped) and dimwitted state to lower the gambling age to 18, though. Do you REALLY want to bleed teenagers to make up for your past fiscal stupidity?

Oh baloney, gimmee a break. The largest casino in my state lets 18 year olds gamble and they act just like everybody else, except they have very little money. If anything, they're more careful about what they play because they have no BR. Its mostly college kids who are just having a good time hanging out and making their money go as far as possible. Its tough to get in serious trouble when all you have is $20.... I think it teaches them how to gamble responsibly when they get older and have money. You act like all kids are stupid idiots. They're not.
'It's not enough to succeed, your friends must fail.' Gore Vidal