Slot Machine

Slot Machine، To dream of a slot machine represents situations where you are repeatedly taking a chance on something because you feel that it might work out if you keep at it. Hoping for good fortune or wishing for good luck. Feeling that if you keep taking a chance on something that the next time will be different. Testing your luck.

Money in a dream is also interpreted as knowledge, faith, guidance, or becoming a government employee. Giving money away in a dream means dispelling agony, difficulties or burdens. If one receives money in his dream, it means that he is entrusted with something. Handling one to four coins in a dream is a lucky number. $21 million and $4.6 million dollars. It’s hard to fathom winning millions of dollars in a Las Vegas slot machine, but one man found himself in that position twice.


To dream of money indicates triumph in endeavors and future abundance. Dreaming of money may symbolize self-reliance, self-worth, accomplishment, or values. You think highly of yourself. Alternatively, to dream of money points to your stances about love and matters of the heart. I didn't play the machines until - and only until - I got a strong intuitive feeling about the timing! My double jackpot win defied classification as anything so trivial as a coincidence or a freak run of beginner's luck. First, I set an intention to have a dream that would result in winning money.

Dreaming of winning at a slot machine may reflect feelings of being extremely lucky for having taken a chance on something at all. Total disbelief or shock that something highly unlikely occurred so easily. Feeling good about your persistence paying off. Feelings of surprise that your “hunch” or crazy idea actually worked.

Negatively, a slot machine may be a sign that you’re consciously wasting your time taking chances on something with nearly impossible odds. Repeatedly taking chances that never seems to work out. Poor judgement. Wasting money or resources hoping to get lucky.

To dream of someone else winning at a slot machine may reflect feelings of jealousy that someone else is luckier than you. Feelings about other people’s persistence paying off in a big unlikely way. Shock that someone else’s stupid or crazy idea worked.

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Dream About Winning Money On A Slot Machine

Dream About Winning Money On A Slot Machine Machines


Dream About Winning Money On A Slot Machine Jackpots

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